A blog about recklessly pursuing happiness
We are two former control freaks and workaholics who each cumulatively spent a few years traveling when we were younger that left us with persistent, but seemingly unquenchable, wanderlust. Until recently we were too afraid to consider trading our careers, financial security and the house we love for freedom and the flexibility to go anywhere.
Our obsession/passion for the sea and being underwater has helped us learn to let the little things go, to be comfortable with chaos, to enjoy the unexpected and most importantly: not to be afraid of drifting
We are currently dismantling our former lives, selling our house and everything we own except for our dive gear and cameras, but intend to focus on the places we go, how we are making a nomadic life work and our fixation with compressed air, saltwater, the natural world, photography etc. Much like our life at the moment, this will likely be a blog with no particular direction, very little discipline and something that will evolve and transform over time.